
Best of IBM 2019 - Bali

Every year IBM recognizes 1,000 of its top performers with the Best of IBM Award. These winners are jetted off to spend the best week of their (work) life learning, exploring and experiencing the local culture in some of the world’s most beautiful locations. With 5 days of 3 hour long shows, I was personally responsible for the creation of all graphic elements as well as script writing for our hired speakers.

Creative Director: James Grausman
Art Director: Lex Pursley
Lead Speech Writer: Lex Pursley
Production: Carol Katz


I was responsible for the direction and design of all graphic elements as well as backgrounds on our sets.

The X Ambassadors, a National Geographic photographer, Alicia Keys and more.
But really, do you even need more after Alicia Keys?


Dancers, cultural performances, Alicia Keys, bamboo experts, pro-surfers and giant banquets

That’s me in the front with the red dress!


With only a few hours a day of planned shows,
our team also provided attendees with a series of
locally-themed activities.


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